Sunday, August 12, 2018

Approaching Notes 1 - To go where I went to go beyond to more of the same

     When beginning this blog of explaining my Notes pages, I never really could decide where to end it. I have Notes 2, Notes 3, etc. (which themselves ended at 6) and beyond reposted at and they have always been at I knew I wanted write to set up where the notes came from and why I had "Pre-notes" and "Before the Pre-notes" collections and what I wanted to explain about them.

     But the first collection of Notes was always something I neither wanted to expand upon, nor definitively decided not to expand upon. However odd the numbering which came later, it was the first collection that began their relevance to me, even if their topics and paragraphs are not quite understandable, being in a form of shorthand meant only for myself. 

     However, beyond simply coming first (and behind what were later relegated to the status of prequels, if it wasn't for what ended up being called Notes 1, the latter ones might not have been written or might have ended up in a longer more coherent to others form, nor would the earlier ones which led to Notes 1 have been much of an interest to me, if no one else.

     What they are about would take a bit of "unpacking" as they were covering many different topics I would have to revisit. I am proud of how I was able to expand upon the notes this blog covers, and always thought maybe one day to go on to cover Notes 1 the same way. It deals with speculations about time, which as I said previously here, many of the same topics were covered in Notes 2, 3, etc. which were actually written about so plainly that any further explanations about what those paragraphs meant hopefully would be unnecessary. It became less a shorthand of Notes to myself beginning in early 2004 with what became called Notes 2.

     The one that began so much of a chunk of what I would later want to write about, what became called Notes 1, it may not be the most interesting of any to read or even write about, but it is technically and mentally challenging to write about it and do it proper justice in explaining (or even remembering) what they were really meant to be about. 

     When I feel it is time to write about it, maybe soon, and if not ruling it out by then, I think it would be worth the effort if I feel up to the task. The notes the year before Notes 1 (Notes 1 was written from October 2003 to January 2004 while re-editing the earliest section of 2D, 3D, 4D Thinking Made Simple) were explained exhaustively here, and the ones after it were given introductions at in February of 2014. That's spread out over 5 years covering material that then was over 5 years old. 

     In a hurry, it seems, I am not.
