Sunday, June 28, 2009

Breaking Probability Waves

      This is the first 'revising addition' to Deconstructing the Universe. I will most likely go through all 8 extra essays first, then post what I called previously 'Before the Pre-notes' and then the 'Pre-notes' before actually getting here to the '5D' notes which is where or when most of the notes I am writing this to refer to or explain about, actually will get started. Those began in October 2003, or the Notes Part 1. This post covers things still in late 2002, possibly December. This was not originally intended to be added to the end of "Deconstructing the Universe". It just was. It could have been the start of something else I might have written. As in the previous post, "Rebooting the Notes at the End of the Deconstructed Universe", it came from rereading "Deconstructing the Universe", after it was done, and new thoughts sprang up about it, or because of rereading it. After the second similar one like it, "Shattering Time", I then figured that they made nice appendages and put them at the end of it, and thus the 'original' version which went out with my programs at the time had 8 sections and two appendages tucked on at the end. This is the first one of those 2 extra parts, and also notes at the end of it which happened soon after or the same day.

Breaking Probability Waves

A pulse of potential
like a voice exclaiming
I am here, I am here, I am here!
spreads out into the infinite void
forever until it reaches some somewhere
to create someone or something which can hear
like a wave seeking a beachhead
to break itself upon
rising up upon itself and spending itself
seeking only to change something
becoming itself only in defining the shore

       Life consumes and expends energy. We, living beings, consume far more energy than can be quantified than merely from the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Life draws energy to itself. It draws upon it and builds itself up from it. Food, matter, they are required only as a catalyst. Once the process is begun it is almost self-perpetuating. Almost, but definitely as of yet, not quite.

       We expend energy at far greater amplitudes than just moving our bodies around, repairing and renewing them, making and remaking thought patterns, or even consecutive thought patterns of occurrences over time and through probabilities. Life expends energy remaking that energy into whatever it chooses, and can exist in a state apart from what we call physical existence, but it would not matter to anyone else.

       What we call a world, a universe, a reality, is an overlapping of existences at mutual and cross purposes. It is a medium with which to paint or create. To an artist the painting can be real which he or she has not yet painted. A melody can be thought to exist before it has been realized. A mathematical equation can have existence before the first mind in the Universe formed to formulate it. All that you see, all that you know, all things which have happened to you, all that will, and all that only might, all of this can be said to be in a sense, pre-existent. All of these things, events, experiences, are waiting to happen and have existed in that state since the dawn of time. These events and experiences too are just a medium in which to work with, to build and create a life from life.

       A life, a consciousness, a unique energy pattern drawing energy unto itself and expending it from itself can be envisioned as a single star in an empty universe, absorbing whatever it takes to create or sustain itself from wherever that comes from and sending its thoughts, achievements, imaginations, potential, its reformulated energy pattern which it takes in and sends back out in the manner and shape it chooses. But without other things to break those waves of potential emanating outward from itself, as matter can be thought to collapse light waves, that consciousness’s life events, experiences, imaginations, potential, spreads ever and ever outward across an infinite expanse, forever and ever amounting to nothing.

       Add a second conceptual life, consciousness, to the equation, also absorbing potential, energy, reformulating it how it chooses, creating with it its own brand of possibilities, its view of experiences, its own particular way of standing apart from all else, and imagine it as a second star sending out its waves of potential through the infinite void. Place it anywhere else in that infinite void and eventually the two ever expanding waves, oscillations, will overlay each other and collapse each other, into photons in the case of light, into experience in the sense of potential. Now in keeping with the star analogy, no matter how far apart they are, each star would be collapsing the light potential, the waves, into photons each making the others light real by giving it something to hit to collapse its waves of potential particles into real photons.

       Yet another thing happens by this cross making of making or confirming each other’s actual existence. The waves of potential not collapsed intermingle, resonate together, some places stronger, other places weaker. Where dissonance builds they cancel each other out. Where they double up, new existence, where they cancel each other out, some seeming lacking of something, as if something were now missing. There is much more which can be made out of this duality notion or example, and to many it is quite the thing to contemplate but I must move on.

       Add a third conceptual life, consciousness, perspective, to the mix. No longer are each equal. Whether the previous two conceptual stars, points, could be thought to be standing still or endlessly circling each other around a central point at trillions of miles per hour, it would not matter. Being completely motionless or each rotating around a fixed point between them at unimaginable speeds, and every variation between the two extremes, each and all would always apply. The only thing that would define this new existent intermingling of potentials, two consciousnesses points of view, would be the distances relative to each other. Traveling further apart would be meaningless as eventually the light / potential would have to reach the other eventually. Thus traveling towards each other too would be meaningless unless or until they collided and no longer existed as separate. But add a third and another strange state occurs.

       Where there are three, there is an order. There is something else to be acted upon. Something can be moving toward one and away from the other, or moving toward both, or moving away from both. Or viewing it from purpose, sometimes siding with one against the other, or working in tandem with the others, or working against both, against all else. With two the only definition possible, and not very distinctive at that, was moving closer or further apart. In an infinite expanse, close or far apart have no meanings, there is only collision and unification, and separateness. With three there can be conflict.

       The point is that it is the overlapping of potentials coming from and traveling to sources of life, beings, states of existence, consciousness, or what have you. Each by itself is everything, has everything, makes potentially anything, yet to nothing else is it real. Add in something else it is not, anything else, and you have a beginning. Separateness and unity, and not much else. But with three or more though the themes are the same, moving toward or apart, the combinations are multiplied exponentially with each new addition. Toward some, for some, against others. The higher the numbers, the more possible combinations and configurations.

       As these cross purposes, perspectives, attitudes, goals, ambitions, meet a reality forms where they overlap. It is a way to sort it all out. Each new perspective both adds to the conflict and adds to its possible resolution. Each is a new way of defining what it is that is defining what is. Each new perspective, each idea, is an outgrowth of the arguments or preconditions which came before, and are only the necessary proofs or suppositions of the foundations for further conclusions yet to be reached. Before seeming to relegate all existences down to numbers in some giant program trying to reach some conclusion or definitive explanation of which binary supposition of which primary consciousness was right or wrong, I will attempt to return to where I began.

       Whether we are all part of a probability wave extending out of that first energy pattern, life, drawing energy into itself and emanating its potential, its design, outward into infinity, or were created as new subsequent opinions to help settle an age old disagreement, or are or were once that original consciousness, it matters not. We are the same as that first life, that first presence defining itself as something apart from all else. We draw as much potential into ourselves as we can and let it go in the way and into the experiences we build up into a concept of what we are and what we were. Yet we were not the experiences of memories we link together to form a consciousness, nor are we ourselves only existing apart from all else.

       What we are is the same as that first consciousness. All consciousnesses however early or late in the game they might otherwise be thought to come in, are emanating from a single point on an endless plane of existence. Where its potential (waves) crosses another’s, a window is opened, a way out of everything and nothing and into something. We think we can by looking through that window pass through it into a reality but that reality is merely a reflection of what we want to see tempered by what we think others want to see or have be. Yet the perceptions themselves become a reality.

       In this reality where reality is spread thin over many countless consciousnesses, it is about affecting the realities of others, that is what we are creating and the only reality we can create. As mentioned before, to build a life out of life. Along the way and toward that end we will get sucked up into age old conflicts and attitudes of divided camps seemingly greater and more powerful than we are, but should that means of definition prove sound, each of us is an additional perspective formed, a unique interpretation, and we contribute nothing to furthering any meaning we have in regards to that interpretation of existence without developing ourselves that new interpretation which may be all that can be accomplished outside of enjoying life, or in helping others.

       To define an existence apart from everything else, to expand upon it translating potential into actual experiences, moving the paint from jar to canvas in the design we choose, selecting which pre-existing potential experiences we wish to take down off the shelf and play with. That that purpose or purposeful action will always seem to be placed within a greater context may be inevitable, yet in another sense, it is also to a larger degree completely our own to make or not make what we choose. Our light in the darkness or our bodies absorbing the light, we exist only as a contrast, a means of standing out from all else, a shore seeming to move through time by collapsing waves of potential onto itself and only possessing existence, that means to create that shore, where cross potentials meet to define between themselves together something actual. Standing in the center of a cataclysm of potential coming at us from different directions, and in whatever limited means afforded to us, to choose as one member of an unimaginably large jury, which were or will be real, which ones have value to us, and which do not.

(Note: That is where it ended originally. These next parts were written right after. How soon after, I do not know, but intended comment upon the above text.)

       Much of this last part, and to some extent the rest, is allegorical and not meant to be taken as a literal description of fact. It is a good jumping off point for your own ideas and suppositions. But to some, and indeed to many, life itself is sometimes thought to be only allegorical, and not to be taken too literally. Life too can be said to be a good starting off place for forming your own ideas and opinions. Literal explanations are only valid within a rigid, inflexible context. Life is anything but rigid and inflexible. It never is what it was, and never is locked into any one definition of what it can or will become.

(and later on same page, roughly same time...)

       Science's god is reality. Philosopher's god is truth. My be-all-end-all is perspective. Reality and truth are well and fine but exist as such only within a given perspective. More and different perspectives added equals different versions of reality and different ideas of truth. Reality and truth may exist to create the means to perspectives but only perspectives can acknowledge such tangent, shapeless indefinabilities into seemingly solid and stable notions of what is real and what is true.