Monday, June 25, 2012

Events, Potentiality Spheres, Spinning 'Up' and Out of a 3D Incorporated Universe, Day 40

Previous posts (this is meant to be continuous): Rebooting the Notes at the End of the Deconstructed Universe - Breaking Probability Waves - Within the Paradox of Time - Heretic Papers II- Beyond the End of the Universe - Blackouts and Multidimensionalism: Lenses, Interruptions and Shadows - Measure all things together - Spaces in time: Contentedness and Cataclysmic Changes - Rivers of life flowing behind the scenes: Faucets, Eternities, and Probabilities Undefined - Outtakes, Golden Paragraphs, Degrees of Relevance, Each a Marvel - Until Yesterday: Experience, Existence, Whose Universe, Co-Existence - A different way of seeing: Connected beneath surfaces, the Introduction at the end, short bits - Alternate Timeline(s): Principles, Perspective and Potential, Before Early Notes  -  Evolve or die: New eyes, blurred and blinded, misbegotten Time Roads

            The timing and effects of the invasion of Iraq coincided with a change of direction of my own life, getting back to basics more than a new direction, and constant attempting at outgrowing how I saw things before. So much time did I spend writing and thinking in opposition to what I thought was going wrong, it was impossible not to let it redefine me, for better or worse, in opposition to what I saw as negatives, and pushed me more than I thought wise or prudent, or ever would have wanted without such goings on in the world damaging what I saw as the best potentials the future could have. And an Iranian War of 2006, 2007, or 2008 was just beyond belief in arrogance and stupidity. When I got wind or believed it was not going to happen, I decided to wind down my writing as that potential conflict was a huge part of the reason for my writing, not that I think my writing would, could, or did have much impact, but it was a reflection of events going on in the world on why I felt the need or desire to write. Everyone is created and defined by external events to react to, with, or against.

All actualized past EVENTS of everyone and everything equals ones identity. All perceived potential future EVENTS peaks of all perceived (existing or) potential beings equals ones identity. One set of events is what you are standing on dimensionally speaking. Forget the gravity analogy, standing (as in) locked into a 3D slice. The other set of events is what you think that is moving toward, i.e. direction, but since direction is inapplicable in a closed (curved) environment, which direction it is spinning (in a multidimensional sense, not left/right) compared to how you wish it to spin.

The real boundaries of what you are, can be, or do are affected by others, what they need and how differing directions must mesh somehow. Everything approaches each second like trains all charging toward each other. Every second after is what survived, what was changed, and what new directions those collisions have set everything on now, only to re-collide again and again and again.

A goal which required understanding multiple dimensions across multiple timelines from multiple individuals points of view. In short, how just about everything one can imagine about the universe fits together. Not optional. Required. And soon. Perspective-wise, unification theorists are like children playing with toy blocks (of a single 3D universe or timeline), where I must figure how multiple overlapping 3D closed spaces or universes fit together by playing with tesseracts (comparatively speaking in terms of goals only, I don't have any real tesseracts to play with, though physicists could really play with blocks if they really wanted to : - )

The stronger peoples' beliefs are, the longer they have had them, the more integrated they are into different aspects of their lives and relationships with others, it is like an object moving faster. It takes more time frames, longer, to change direction even when they see and know they are wrong, or leading them toward disaster. If those beliefs are so firmly a part of their identities, they will close their eyes to anything which might make them reevaluate the possibility they might be wrong, push it out of mind, and brace themselves for the tragic results they believe are unavoidable, because they are without the ability to rethink or question what is to them unquestionable. With more time or if they can be taught to slow down faster, they could adjust courses to miss collisions more quickly.

Everything in the Universe is under the momentum of events. Ideas of self, what they are, what they want, all set up to include them and all they can be, see, and know. Can only alter courses along preset prescribed ways or directions. I contemplate dead stop, reset button, where any direction of anything becomes possible. Direction is not only physical dimensions, but (also) tracks of events which are probable because of how the board is set and the pieces senses of identity, goals, and purposes.

Notes Part 3
Spring 2005

       In a very obvious way, that time comes to my mind as being the "pinnacle" because it was just before the accident, and that altered somewhat how I perceived things. It was not that I could not remember how I saw things before, which was new enough, though some things were lost for awhile. But I really began again looking at time, like I said in the notes for which these posts are meant to frame, like looking at space, from the “inside out.”

The idea that the universe is expanding may have finally invalidated itself. Evidence if provable that the Universe might not have originated from a single point, i.e. the Big Bang, but an area, i.e. the Big Bounce, looks suspiciously like what you get when you rotate a 4D object viewed outside of it from a 3D viewpoint. All points seem to converge on a central seemingly smaller central area, then expand again when reaching an apex, and seem to enlarge again but reversed. The smallness of the area depends on its 4th dimensional thickness. If it has a larger 4th dimensional thickness, it will seem to shrink to a relatively larger object that if it had a very small 4th dimensional thickness. The 4th dimension thickness can be very small and the object can seem to vanish into a point but if you understand it, you know you only would need to magnify the view to see that the same way as if its 4th dimensional volume was larger. From a 3D viewpoint, it would seem to turn itself inside out at that area, and seem to enlarge again, though its internal size and shape would not be changed, it would be a trick of perception in moving perpendicular to it in 4D space. By attempting to rewind the Universe (conceptually) in time, and if the Universe does in fact have a 4th dimensional curvature, you would be simulating the same effect of trying to imagine turning a 4 dimensional object from an outside viewpoint. Inevitably looking at the Big Bang in front of you, you are imagining stepping outside of the physical 3D Universe and placing it in front of you. If the Universe is 4 dimensional or more, f*cking with it timewise while attempting to step out of its physical dimensions, it would seem to contract to a smaller area if its 4th dimensional value is small, then seem to expand again backwards.

The Big Bang is like a warm fuzzy blanket compared to what awaits. Negative space and negative time literally surround you and everything at the edge of the Universe on the outside edge, and within the heart of you and all objects on the interior edge, and you and your Universe a thin line sandwiched between. Welcome to the 21st century.

To see into matter beyond the inverse field matter projects around itself, is to see into folded space itself. What we perceive of as space is merely buffer zones of non-space to separate them. 3D space is not along a hypersphere (or other curved shape) forming a barrier between the inner and outer curvature, though objects can align themselves around that curvature, but the "space" between is literally that, porous and a non-barrier as the hypersphere the objects align themselves with, or appear to align themselves with, exists no further than each objects surfaces.

Notes Part 1
December 2003

         "As you said, a 4D being or objects could have existence in a 3D, 2D, or 1D Universe but not the other way around. A 2D person or 3D person or object would have no existence in a 4D world without possessing the necessary non-zero dimensional values. Isn’t this weird possible overlapping of different dimensional Universes at bit much?" Assistwo said rolling his eyes.
         "Just because it could be or be seen that way doesn’t mean it has to be or be seen that way. And if it were true, it is only slightly less weird as multiple 2D Universes or multiple 3D Universes. That objects can exist in more dimensions than they perceive or that Universes can exist around them which they cannot perceive is nowhere near the top of the Universe’s weirdness scale. With an object big as a sun, who could measure how many dimensions it might possibly exist within? Even this 1 meter square cube is an enigma of how many dimensions it can contain. Even with a slight unintentional 4th dimensional thickness, it could even be mistaken for a full 4D Tesseract from 2 views. Looking at it from outside it and thinking we know how many dimensions it currently exists within is impossible without a new math, map, or understanding of its internal structure or order."
         "So it’s back to inside matter again?" Assistwo asked.
         "Isn’t it always?" Inventor asked back, "By the way have you seen the new motto for my door?"
         "Another one?" Assistwo shrugged emphatically.
         "Yes, two on each side now, it needed balance," Inventor joked.
         Assistwo went outside the door and read, "There are no objects, there is only matter as a whole. There are no dimensions, there is only space as a whole. There are no minds, there is only consciousness as a whole."
       "It seems like we have a long way to go still yet," Assistwo said when entering the room again to Inventor who seemed to be getting ready to leave.
      "If not us," Inventor said, "then those who will come after us. The horizon to how far we are permitted to go at this time is approaching faster now. We must stop for awhile or risk sailing of the edge of our 2D world."
         "I don’t like the sound of that," Assistwo said grimacing. "If possibly not us, then at least tell me what’s over that horizon in case we don’t get there ourselves."
         "That the same perspective or space at different times is exactly the same and completely interchangeable with different perspectives and points in space at the same time," Inventor said moving toward the door.

       "Heavy," Assistwo quipped. "I hope we are the ones who get to try and explain that one. I don’t like the sound of falling off of or moving out of phase or sync with the 2D world."
         "No," Inventor agreed, "that does not seem desirable from any possible perspective from within it. From an outside perspective, who knows?"
New Ground
2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple
August 2003

Important point made before in notes: All points in time away in all directions from present like all points in space (from wherever you are standing, sitting, etc.) How to envision this is not something we perceive yet. A different kind of seeing it takes. How (to) overlap these (events?) coming from other times and spaces in-between and creating new conjunctions or timelines between each convergence relating to the events which lead to that convergence like a new ball of potential or new universe created at each new moment of space and time where convergences or overlaps occur (wordy and not said clearly but tries to tie things together, a bit blurrily yet, though. Blurrily... cool : - )

Notes Part 2
Summer 2004

I had previously used the term self-self-aware (actually it was "If not why self-aware" but the meaning to me was the same, meaning if not having the correct context to put your limited understanding of self-awareness within, if not knowing why you are self-aware or how that knowledge (awareness) and lack of knowledge fits into things and what will unfold. Gaining that context would be becoming self-self-aware or understanding how your seeming self-awareness and limited knowledge about things plugs into everything else, into events beyond yourself and creating or helping to cause those events. That is how condensed it gets when I write to myself. I boiled the whole Yoshoe/Yoshomee story down to remember it later with just "the dividing and recombining aspects of existence")in the notes with little comment about it. One can say (and many do ;-) mankind is self-aware when perceiving itself (individuals) as being separate from (their) environments and aware of freewill or choice, and has proclaimed itself, unfortunately, as sole (species?) in its environment in this regards. One becomes self-self-aware when one realizes that sense of identity or separateness is completely determined by factors outside oneself and events in and over time which solely constitutes that sense of identity. By moving perception of identity away from the physical self to the perception of EVENTS one is aware of oneself in the context with other things and not as separate at all but instead one view or perspective upon a whole of which you can never separate yourself from no matter what you may wish to think.

Notes Part 2
December 15th, 2004

Since that Notes blog is following a particular timeline, still now stuck in July 2003 where it will be for stuck awhile (for several more posts at least), a dense period in many senses of the word. : - ) Many of my subsequent notes over the years relate to things within about a week's time in that July. Though I have used about 10 posts now at that blog to cover more the 7 months previous to that July, I feel it would take at least several long posts, with very many paragraphs, both covering the many things that were written at that time, and also to include what I would wish to add now just to even begin to address adequately or sum up breifly what was meant in that times' writings. ...
          Some of the posts at the 5D Notes blog which I think came off very well, bounce around in time quite effectively in my opinion, linking what I was writing on those dates which it means to cover with ideas similar but written both previous to that time and how they developed later, via leading excerpts hopefully brief and relevant (though others ideas of "brief" and "relevant" will obviously vary, but I *try* to keep them short and relevant). And then in addition to that, there is a twin current timeline of exposition of what I am writing now about then, thus occasionally many different times at once are involved in a post, though all but the present one I am writing now, are all in the past. But since years have elapsed since the period they are meant to cover, that means I can cover the material in this fashion more fully retroactively or looking back, than I ever could have done at that time, and knew it then, without needing to alter or revise the past writings to do so.

January 1, 2012

[This is the first, the longest, and by far the most complicated of those alluded to July of 2003 / Summer of 2003 posts, at least for me, in terms of having to write new material (now 2012) for setting it up.]

  One by one I shall cut the ties
    which will bind me to the ground
   and I shall feel the pull of the heavens
     begging me to rise forth and come hither

  I shall sit in the comfort of my airship
    and watch the world fall beneath my feet
   while setting my gaze upon a far larger world
     whereupon the distant and unrelated become one

  As I look down from my celestial throne
    and revel at the expansiveness of my new sight
   I shall carry with me the hopes of the spoiled and the damned,
     as they bow before me longing to be set free

  Over borders and barriers I shall drift away
    in my craft crowned by heat and golden sunlight
   and as countries and continents fade to a distant blur
     I shall learn true freedom at the mercy of destiny's winds

   Excelsior from Triumvirum (1988) Jared P. DuBois

[When I showed Excelsior to one of my sisters (I was proud after just writing it and wanted to see what someone else thought of it) and asked what she thought, she said it was depressing. This I found surprising as I could not see anything remotely depressing about it. I asked why and she said because it was about death. While there is that subtext to it, it can be thought to be about consciousness leaving behind the physical world, which if that was the case, if consciousness or spirit still then existed at that point, then it would not be about “death” exactly anyway. And that subtext was intentionally there, but I could not see then how someone could see the subtext and not read the ACTUAL text. Excelsior means “upwards and away” (many online dictionaries in 2012 mostly s--- (are extremely lacking) in regards to correctly defining this word). With the phrases, “sit in the comfort of my airship” and “in my craft crowned by heat and golden sunlight,” the poem at least to me is about, quite obviously, mainly, riding in a balloon.]



         As I have mentioned before when beginning this notes retrospective, what I refer to as the 5D notes began with what I called the dimensional contortionist escape artist series of drawings in October of 2003 in Vilnius, Lithuania and the notes which were written just after that. That was the Notes Part 1. Also as I have previously stated, while writing the notes, I decided another starting point could have been on July 25th, 2003 (from that week until September, these notes were later put into a collection called the PreNotes) when notes were first begun as a journal of things I wanted to write about later or to remember. That day while riding my bicycle back home along S. Kihei Rd, I kept verbally running over and over in my head the same 3 phrases to remember things to write about: “Dead bird; 3D projection of a 2D movie; scr*wing girlfriend in wife’s bed- scr*wing wife in girlfriend’s bed.”

              When I got home, instead of writing down what those phrases were about, what concepts or things I was using those phrases to remember, I simply wrote down those phrases themselves verbatim. What began as a simplified way of remembering something simply became what I was writing. Thus I could write about any number of things and almost no one, sometimes myself included, would necessarily know what the concepts were about or meant. This is not to ascribe any ulterior motives to what I was writing. By writing in a shorthand pretty much only understood by myself, I could try to figure out things without committing myself to them in any way. If I did not like the way the reasoning was going, I could just not expand upon them later or eventually forget what they meant. Not that forgetting was hard to do.

            As I mentioned above and in the previous post, the phrases were a way to remember concepts. It would not have been necessary to write them down if I was not forgetting things. Not things or events in my life, but rather building up complex ideas or theories or ways of looking at problems, subjects or chapters or would-be chapters of what I wanted to put into Time Roads, and then just blanking on it all the next day. “Something something about gravity or something about a building and 3D chess.” That is what I was reduced to when thinking about a lot of concepts, not to say they necessarily were correct or would lead to anything. But I would think for days on a concept about time or space and then just not remember what it was I had been thinking about, for hours even after trying to remember, until I remembered that train of thought again. 

            It was frustrating. Before abandoning the idea of writing Time Roads, I wrote down a brief outline of things to remember to write about. These ideas were: The Million Floor Department Store-Visualizing Trinary Space/Time/Existence; Consciousness- Pick a Constant, Any Constant; Combining Perspectives-More than the Sum of the Parts; Potential Experience Pies- Your Pieces in Others and Their Pieces in Yours; Paradoxes Unraveled- Completing the Circuits; and Higher Level Universe of Mutual Agreement. None of these ideas were fully developed but I put these titles down to paper only so I could remember later ideas that popped up that I wanted to write about, and saved them as potential chapter titles, or as a potential outline of how Time Roads might take shape.

            On the July 25th bike ride, beginning with the dead bird, three things happened, or thoughts occurred, which I wanted to be sure I would remember. When the number of things I wanted to remember reached 3, the phrases mentioned above, repeating them to myself constantly, was partially necessary because I was so distracted by just about anything that came along. (SQUIRREL!) I was not sure I would remember them all without constantly repeating them to myself every so often.

            The “Dead bird” portion I expanded upon 5 years ago back in 2007 on my first blog ( on October 7th, 2007 in  “Hazy beginnings, Abrupt Ends, Dreams Overshadowing, and Concentrated Notes.” (In that post I erroneously stated the date was the July 23rd when I later realized it was on July 25th). An excerpt of that post follows….

         When I came up to the bird, it took off because I came near to it, but it flew exactly along the white line on the side of the road where I was riding. Sitting there straight up with my arms by my sides with a bird flying immediately before me at the exact same speed so close I could have at any point reached out and pulled a feather off of it. Not just for a second or two but on and on. It tried to get ahead of me and landed a few times but always right in front of me and had to take off again, and again it would be just in front of me almost dead level with my eyes.
         A flower or a tree in those times was amazing to me, this was just mind blowing, almost spiritual. I was given for about 30 seconds or so seeing what it would be like to be a bird, or a camera following a bird in flight just a few feet behind it. I was transfixed in total awe of the experience and it made an unbelievable impression on me. My thinking at that time could go so fast I could almost seem to watch its wings flap in slow-motion and then speed them up again.
         There was no me, and the bird, separate, just the experience, and then it was over in an instant. With my mind completely focused on the bird, and the experience, suddenly my mind said no and I saw it happen almost through the birds eyes an instant before it did. The bird finally turned away from flying exactly in the path I was gliding along not pedaling, coasting down the hill with my arms at my sides, and it turned and flew head on into a SUV's windshield traveling at a high-speed, bounced off of it and was bouncing up and down dead on the side of the road.
         Going from a feeling of total bliss and oneness with the experience, and seeing the bird get killed right in front of me and dead an instant later left me in shock of what to do. The humane thing would have been, seeing it was most assuredly not going to survive even if it was not already dead, no way it could have lived through that, would have been to walk over and step on it in case it was still alive and end its pain. But I could not. I could not bring myself to do that.
         I can't say if what that related to was true, but it cut close to a dream I had which seemingly will never be answered. It was similar, it was different, yet everything connects or can connect, if your mind or your feelings choose to see them as connected. Probably the instant before the bird died was one of the greatest feelings of awe at being alive I had ever had, it was magical, wondrous at a time where everything was wondrous and magical. This was merely many times more so, but then it changed.
         The transition was abrupt, and a bit shocking. One second not thinking, not analyzing but just being and experiencing in totality, just feeling joy and wonder at what is before me and then, shock and confusion at what does it mean, what should I do, and not having an answer to a question I never would have anticipated needing to have an answer to. That is what life throws at you whenever you become complacent, if you are lucky.
         You may not see it that way. Neither may the bird. But when you get over the shock, you may discover as I did, it was necessary to grow beyond how you saw things before, no matter how much more innocent and carefree and better it was. Both levels of seeing and experiencing you need to know, and the transitions will always be there triggering them, and they are a part of you because the experiences are there to make you feel, good, bad, joy, grief, to make you feel and know through interaction with other living things, what is means to each to be alive, both separate and how you fit together to create those experiences within both, and each within each other as well.

         In thinking about how I would write about this now, I thought to state that I looked back and forth from the SUV to the bird, but that would be a flawed way of telling it. At that time I was consciously looking at, tracking, and comparing the speeds or relative movements (or seeming movements relative to my movements) of many things at once, all the time. Thus I did not have to switch from looking to the vehicle to the bird and back again. I had been watching it all along, and the trees beside me, the bird, clouds above me, and thinking about the distances to things behind me I had just passed. I was trying to keep track of many different objects at once, and I was especially focused on direction and speeds.

            At that approximate time when walking into a store with large numbers of people, I would automatically start tracking which people were moving, then which had changed direction, then which speeds were increasing and decreasing. When in motion on my bicycle around that day (not sure exactly on that day), I was focused on how objects seemed to “flow” around me, how closer objects to the side of me seemed to “pass over” and move faster than objects further away. This is all automatic, just the way the world is, unnoticed by most after awhile. But after the accident I was extremely focused on objects and movement, or their seeming or apparent movement relative to my movements. 

            One of the earliest program components I made was a star-field, like Microsoft’s old default screen saver but better, and used it as a special effect in various other programs. My algorithm had dots start off slowly if near the middle and gain speed proportionally to the distance away from the center. After the accident, the entire outside world’s movements were like part of a giant video game or computer simulation which I was trying to constantly plot the variables or movements of, or their seeming movements relative to my movements, their overlapping speeds based on concentric circles of relative distances away from me. When driving a car, things moved sideways past me too fast to pay attention to that effect in the same way, and like most drivers (thankfully) I was focused on other things further away and in front of me. When walking, that seeming movement of objects to my sides passing over each other as I moved along was so slow that it was not noticed as much or particularly interesting. I later gave Asisfour a similar notice of that effect when experiencing 3D for the first time…

            He could barely do what he assumed was walking, and though everything still seemed as flat as a 3D painting, his movement or others movements equally made him queasy.
        He noticed everything got even flatter when he closed one of his eyes. "Not that much different," he thought but he found when keeping them both open at once, he only walked into things half as often.
        "It is amazing anyone can tell how far away anything is," he thought, realizing later actually knowing how big things were supposed to be helped too. Once becoming familiar with his hallucinatory world, he began to tell what was big and far away from memory, and from seeing things closer to him seeming to "pass over" and obstruct things further away.
        "Cool," he thought looking sideways while moving fast and seeing things closer to him seeming to move faster over things further away. "Like flat ducks in a shooting gallery moving at different speeds. Trippy!"

8.2: Asisfour's 3D Hangover Hallucination:
Doing the space warp again, perpendicular style
2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple
July 2007
         Bicycle riding was the right speed for me to be conscious of, and watch, how things seemed to “flow” in circle distances away around me as I moved. And unlike in a car, I did not have a windshield and dash in front of me to distract from the effect. In the star-field simulations, if I locked the vertical value from changing, I could get the same effect of a vertical “tunnel” of movement. Riding my bike, I was aware of a “tunnel” effect ahead of me, of an invisible vertical line ahead of the horizontal line I was moving in, of things which were passing, or would be soon passing eventually to the left and to the right of me. Things just on the left of that vertical line would seem to speed up and pass on my left, and the things just to the right of that line would seem to speed up and pass on my right. Because the road was being worked on, I often had 2 entire lanes to myself (a closed lane and a new breakdown lane). I would twist around to watch the vertical line axis of things to my left and right no longer “coming apart” to go around me but merging together toward a vanishing point, in perspective terms, or in this case, a vanishing vertical line. And of course along this “line” axis, things that were closer to me would be splitting apart or merging together faster than things further away, depending on whether ahead or behind me. And the things further away would be splitting to my left and right, or converging from my left and right, slower than the ones closer to me proportional to their distances away from me. Trying to “watch” all of this going past me at once, constantly sometimes tracking all that consciously was often harder to do and much more intense than to watch and track and predict the movements of dozens of people at once.

            When driving cars fast before the accident, when I had cars which could be driven fast, and when lived I in a place which had roads where one could drive fast, I would watch the negative spaces to predict the movements of cars. Often using the breakdown lanes (mostly legally, allowed during rush hours when harder to pass) I would zip through traffic congestion by ignoring or blurring or aggregating the objects, the cars, to focus on the gaps, the negative spaces. And watching those “movements” of the negative spaces, increasing, decreasing, watching as the gaps themselves moved down the road, which would trigger who would be soon changing lanes and when. Often I knew when many people would be changing lanes before they did, not as individuals, but as when and where the traffic would again slow down many seconds later and each would be far more likely to start changing lanes, and inevitably the pattern or flow would change accordingly. 

            So when I say, as I now will, that my mind was “locked on” to the bird, it was approximating the birds movements relative to my movements and what it would be seeing, as well as the SUV’s movements. It is not that I was in, or trying to get into, the birds head in a projection or religious or psychic way. More that it was one of many movements around me I was constantly watching and trying constantly to predict, and did not necessarily see it as separate from me in an experiential sense. Therefore like in a video game’s instant replay of a race, immediately after the collision happened, I could replay that collision in my head from multiple angles at once having been watching so many things around it going on simultaneously. The movement, the bird’s predictability, was amazing in that it so often matched my own as I was moving, but that motion was mostly what was my focus was on. It took a second to comprehend I just saw something living get destroyed that I had been watching and focused on, or somewhat more focused on than everything else at that time.

            A similar shock would be watching a puppy playing in a field. It looks at you, walks toward you, but then stops and you hear a click. You kind of know what that click means, but before you can turn away or do anything, it steps off a land mine and blows up in front of you. This obviously was not that bad. For whatever reason, for me anyway, any attachment or emotion would not be as strong as something like that would be, but it was in the same vein as that example.

            So I was just standing there, pretty well stunned by it all. If only that happened that day, I am pretty sure I would have remembered it. But so many things I was focused on each day, so many different concepts I was constantly thinking about, I figured I might forget it after a day or a week. But after the second and third things, or thoughts, happened which I wanted to remember shortly after that, I created the list in my head of things to remember by the phrases.

            The second phrase, “3D projection of a 2D movie,” came about because when I got to my “thinking spot” beach as the sun went down, it was an unusually spectacular sunset. I have seen too many sunsets on Maui to count, but this one was unusually colorful. I saw the sun set in front of me across the ocean. Then I looked up, and saw the clouds above me were also covered with different colors. I turned around behind me away from the water and the clouds behind me toward the mountains were also different colors. The timing of that would not have lasted very long and I just looked up at the right time. Also it was that clouds were spaced just right in all directions, so that I could see I was watching an event, the sunset, being played out all around me, in front, above, and behind me. The term “ball paintings” (“3D painting” was actually how it was written, but the canvas imagined would have been in a sphere shape with 3D images, kind of like a snow globe of water you shake to make it snow) in the 4D universe of what became “2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple” was the only time I referred to that concept. 

            Taken literally, “3D projection of a 2D movie,” meant what I was seeing in the sunset, what could have been an image projected around me, was like an IMAX dome theater or inside a planetarium. That was the image. The concept of it, or what that phrase was meant for me to remember since I was thinking heavily at that time in terms of dimensions, was thinking about holograms, the physical 3D universe as a projection. But also, and this was the key point, I was thinking of “stepping back” away from it, away from the middle of the globe around me to see all of it at once in front of or before me.

            This day was still a few days ahead of when I would start writing the 2D3D4D story. And that story, I had not thought of writing it until I actually was writing it. But many of the ideas mentioned in it were in my head at that time in various ambiguous forms. In a 2D to 3D sense, you can get in the middle of a circle and move away from all edge points at once in either 2 directions, along a line, going straight “up” or “down” relative to the circle. With the sunset all around me in a ball shape, I started to think of “ball paintings” of being in the middle of a ball and stepping “away” from all edge or surface points at the same time, along a line, a 4th dimension axis. The concept of that, probably wrongly, gave me the idea as I moved “away” from the 3 dimensional version of a circle along that line, that the ball would then begin to curve away from me and flatten out to a plane. 

            The math of that image was wrong, (Inventor’s “Elevator” ride, moving along on a dimensional line equally “up” and “away” from the 2D carnival in all directions equally at once, helped me sort it out days later). But the idea of stepping back out of the middle of a globe from all directions at once so that the whole interior is directly in “front” was the first step of many leading me to really being able to think 4 dimensionally, and not just superficially. I was eventually mentally stacking tesseracts (hypercubes, 4D versions of cubes) together to understand concepts of “walls” and “gaps” (negative spaces) before the year was out. It would take another 3 months, writing the first six sections of the 2D3D4D story, sorting through it all after having written it, plus new drawings, and constantly changing how I looked at time and space before I really got there, if at all. But the idea of “stepping back” from the middle of a globe from all 3D directions along a line “away” at once was the start, thinking that it would seem to bend back to be flat, all of it in front of me at once. If that happened one might suppose, then going further away than that, it would seem to begin to curl up on itself again like a ball in front of you instead of surrounding you.

            Days later, that image led me to the drawing of a cube on a ball concept. Again by itself, that was not exactly correct but it was the right idea if thinking toward curved space. That a cube, if the universe was curved like a hypersphere, the further it gets away from you, it sides seemingly would start to bulge outwards relative to its distance away from you. At the antipole, the equivalent of standing at the south pole when you are at the north pole on a curved 2D plane such as Earth, it would seem to surround you. Or all its sides would be equally distant away from you at that point, if the universe were curved in all directions to be shaped like a hypersphere, a 4D version of a globe or ball. 

            That image I wrote about in  “My New Dodeca-Toy and How It Potentially Aligns My Futures and Pasts” written on April 16th, 2007, was about events a week or two after that day of July 25th, 2003. A cube or ball bulging outwards, eventually surrounding you as it gets further away, that was simply the idea of the “ball paintings” in reverse. Moving in a 4th dimensional sense, stepping back in a line from all points in the center of a ball at once, like Inventor’s elevator, the curved plane that would “flatten out” and then seemingly curve back upon itself further away, this was the inverse of that idea. That anything that is now curving away from you, if you step back far enough from it, in a fourth dimensional sense, would eventually seem to surround you or be “over” you, but backwards. This is as someone on the south pole would be directly “over” you in a sense you could not understand without knowing the Earth to a ball shape, having a 3 dimensional curvature. At that point, the opposite pole relative to you, your left would be that person’s right, your up would be their down, etc.

            I was at that point thinking about things that the idea of an antipole, would have made simple but I had not come to understanding that idea fully yet. And I would not be really understanding the idea of a hyperspheric shaped universe for another 3 months later until the start of the Notes Part 1, in Lithuania in October. That image by October lead to the idea of the dual Earth’s sculpture, one inverse Earth surrounding the other reversed and an imaginary 3rd “ball” in between which would actually be a single point, both a ball and point smaller than the head of a pin, the antipole. But definitely in July anyway, I was not there yet.

             This idea that, as with the ball painting, if I could just step back far enough somehow, outside or away from a 3D ball surrounding me from all its sides or surfaces at once in a straight line away, that the directions of everything else would seem to eventually reverse, that led to my third phrase. That phrase was “scr*wing girlfriend in wife’s bed- scr*wing wife in girlfriend’s bed.” That was not meant to be a literal description of anything, though picturesque as it may be, but instead was meant to help me remember concepts about inversion that I was thinking about. Relative to the beginning point, things would seem reversed, even opposite, when in reality, they would be the same thing. Going left would still be from where you are, going left, but from somewhere else, going right relative to where they are (this beyond the usual sense of one person facing an opposite person’s left is the others right, if both facing the exact same way, left would become right). Up would then become down, and in ways not mentioned yet, from there, time could seem to be running along a different “line” as well. Along the curvature eventually your future might seem to be their past, and what to them would be the past would be for you, from where you stand, the future. Though I had not fully thought about an antipole yet, it would be like the idea of an antipole, with a causality twist, on the rocks.

            The notes, which began as being dated starting that day, July 25th 2003, and the fiction stories, also which started on that day, both of these gave me a form to put down all these ideas which I could no longer keep track of all at once in my head down on paper. I was reaching the limits of what I could think of at once. While trying to think of and keep track of and perceive of too many things at once, I would simply lose track of my ideas and have to start over again, again and again. That too I think was a good thing, but a bit of a time waste as well. When I could semi-accurately rebuild a house of cards of reasoning again a day later from scratch, sometimes it would be better possibly than the way I did it the day before, when I could not remember exactly what it was I had been speculating about. Sometimes it did not seem to be as good, or at least not what I remembered as being as good anyway since those ideas were not always readily available. Starting over and over again sometimes coming up with completely different ways to reach the same ends or solve the same problems. I got used to mentally retracing my steps constantly before starting the notes and the stories, and that was potentially good mental exercise, though as I said above, it was often frustrating. As I had Inventor put it some days later… 

        "Yes, both groups know something more about it than simply saying we can’t see it. Each sees it in both a way that is right and wrong at the same time, or part of it. That part of it they do see, my fault partially, also can and will get in the way of seeing it more clearly in the future. Their knowing they don’t have the full picture makes up for my bad examples, but those who simply see it in the center and know it also has to go in two directions from there opposite each other into a place they don’t know where, I believe their imagination alone will get them to a fuller understanding faster than those who already think they know something about it, and do, but will always be tripping over what they think they know while trying to get to what they don’t know. Not knowing anything and starting fresh, often one must come back to again and again anyway, so it is also the best place to always start from." 
        "So if you really believe that your examples might be confusing them as much or more than your are simultaneously enlightening them, why keep trying to improve them then?" Assistwo asked inquiringly. 
        "Because not giving up is important. Sometimes you need to try and fail many times to reach a better solution than if you found one "good enough" right off the bat. Each time also I learned what not to do the next time, and that is as valuable as knowing what to do."

4.1:  To confuse or not to confuse: Problems with the 3rd Axis
2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple
July 2007
         The notes I am beginning to address here I later referred to the Prenotes collection. Since on that day, July 25th, I knew what things I written just a day or two before, I also went back and added dates to those two paragraphs as well, since I was now into dating things. Those two paragraphs which began the Prenotes were…
7/23 or 7/24 (03)
Achievements, though nice, are unimportant. Respect and reputation are unimportant. Knowledge and wisdom are unimportant. The future and the past are unimportant. Who you are is unimportant. Who or what you were and even who or what you will become is unimportant. What is important is that you experience what is happening as it is happening and that it has an effect upon you, that you accept however tentative and subjective it is or may seem, that it brings out some deep feeling or emotion within you that makes both you and what is happening or what you are experiencing come alive and have existence in time, and therefore, throughout time. Life and experience exist to be felt and to be experienced, to be lived through, not to be held, remembered, anticipated, nor particularly understood.

(next paragraph was around same time roughly, not necessarily after)

"Whats" will never tell you why. After every new "what" you come up with for an answer, the perennial why, why, why, chime of a child gets more and more irritating and harder to explain as no matter how convoluted and deep your explanations can get, harder and harder to know or explain, you must eventually hit that brick wall of having to say, "it just is." If you really want an answer for why, throw out each and every "what" you ever heard, believed, or thought you understood and skip to the end, "it just is." Why? Answer that one and every "what" in the Universe won't get in your way or matter much. They are only to stand between you and the real and only "why,” why everything or anything else just is.

         The next 3 after those, the ones actually written on July 25th, or Super Bonus Day number 40, were as I have mentioned already what I was rehearsing in my mind, the phrases of things to remember, and wrote them down as soon as I got home.
7/25 (2003)
Dead bird

3D projection of a 2D movie

Scr*wing girlfriend in wife's bed / scr*wing wife in girlfriend's bed.
        Then I decided to add some new things since I was there with a pen in hand and a book in front of me to write things down on.
Saw Time Roads in DeconU., see scary in Time Roads.

Rotating hypercubes, inner to outer, very cool.  (refers to a video on rotating hypercubes which I saw on the internet.)

Time probability spheres

Time / space / gravity plotting inside cube, hotel was easier, Descartes

Mirror something

Made for?

Life is an equation you are born knowing yet require time to live through to fully understand it, come to remember it, and complete the circle, knowing it the same so you can come back to where you started and came in. With the beginning and end points fixed (relationally, not in time) it still leaves plenty of room to maneuver in the big ball in-between. Though a fixed time analogy is not technically accurate as your expiration date is not fixed but fluid, it can be likened to the beginning and end of the Universe and the spherical potential increasing over time only to contract as in size as it nears its end, or the potential for where you can be or for what you can do for the time you must wait in changing planes or buses, having to be at a specific place and time when you arrive and leave. The potential is greatest to be anywhere else half way between arrival and departure, increasing widely from the moment you enter the terminal door and decreasing just as sharply the radius (of where else you can be as it becomes) near the time you have to leave, a sphere (in this case, a circle) of potential places you can exist in-between.

         Of these additional things written that day, “mirror something” had at least something to do with inversion. What the “something” in that phrase exactly was meant to convey I would not today hazard a guess. It is not good to be too vague or general sometimes.

            “Time probability spheres” was tied to the phrase which followed it about a cube but more-so was tied to the last paragraph above starting with, “Life is an equation….”  “Time probability spheres” is a difficult concept that is easy to explain, which therefore means that the explanation really does not explain it well. But it seems to, and is a place to start. However I will start instead with the line after that and work my way back to it.

            “Time / space / gravity plotting inside cube, hotel was easier, Descartes” refers to a concept which was part of what would have been in Time Roads. Previously I referred to it as a department store, not a hotel. This shows that while I could sometimes remember the concepts, I sometimes also got the details changed around when remembering them. Whether it was a department store or hotel, no matter. The idea was time, space, and eventually, in this line above, gravity on axises through floors in a very tall (million floor?) building. 

            The original idea was of movement “up” through floors you could not see, or planes of existence, or 2D floor “worlds,” the same imagery which would be used by Inventor a few days later when 2D3D4D started. To explain, I will use a hypothetical Bishop on a 3D chess board. There is no “standard” 3D chessboard much less rules for one at this point in time so I will lay down some ground rules for the analogy. Instead of an 8 by 8 square chessboard with alternating colored spaces, imagine an 8 floored chessboard, an 8 by 8 by 8 cube of possible spaces to move to.

            The bishop, being the diagonal piece on a 2D chessboard would be an interesting case on a 3D chessboard. To move up or down a floor, it would also have to be moving diagonally as well to be analogous to the 2D version. Thus the only way to move “up” or “down” it would also have to be moving forwards or backwards in some way or another relative to its place on the floor it started on. 

            With this analogy, each floor of the hotel or department store is our present view of time, what is happening now, our whole world as exists now. To be moving, or even to be existing, we would be like the bishops, we would need to be moving through time as well as space. We cannot go forward in space without going an equal measure “up” in time. Movement in time and space are synchronous, or time and space are “relative.”  So you start at one end of the building and you want to get to the other side, but to get there, you have go be constantly going up a floor, thus the other side of the building you will get to is actually on a different floor which you cannot see now. The side you see now is actually unreachable to you because it the “there” now, not the “there” on the floor you will be on when you actually get to that side.

            Using this flawed but interesting analogy, eventually I decided that moving forward would be locked with moving up, the whole time/space relative constant etc.. So up and forward would represent moving in time and space but left/right would represent all the different directions and potential locations one could go while still moving forward in time and space (an expanding “ball” of potential movements of where you can go or be in space (a second, then minute, then hour later) “on top of” that invisible movement all else around you has to be moving in to be moving forward in time, flattened down to just left and right (like bicycle or car movements of where else you can go while still moving forward in a line) a “light cone” of potential locations to be in, flattened by a steam roller to a flat V shape of movement ahead of you on each floor, getting wider and wider successively going up each floor above your location forward from you) which you would either be doing simultaneously with everything else or you would not be alive or in this universe. 

            Then I though with the above line written that day, well, what about gravity? Wouldn’t gravity affect the speed in which you would move through space and time or space/time? So then it was up/forward was time/space, left was zero gravity (not possible) and right was infinite gravity (not possible but say a black hole). Eventually, the literal translation of the above line, one axis was for time, one axis for space, one axis for gravity. That the “hotel” idea of moving through invisible “floors” we cannot see yet because we are not on them yet (how we cannot “see” the past or the future, what happened 5 seconds ago or will 5 seconds from now), that was “simpler” to envision in comparison. 

            As for the last word in that, “Descartes,” I cannot be certain what that was meant to mean, other than referring to a French philosopher famous for the line, “I think therefore I am.” While I may have been referring to something else in his philosophy, at this point, “I think therefore I am,” is all I really remember him for now off the top of my head, though I have studied more than that about him in the past.

            So “time probability spheres” was linked in a way to all of that but basically was getting rid of all the “outside” measuring methods, collapsing them all into balls around each one, each its own little time space world. To get to the other side at one speed, where I see another person now, I might be there on floor 18. The person opposite me coming in at a different speed or through a different gravity might end up on my side on floor 9 or 35.  No “outside” measuring of the space but all relative to where they were coming from or going. If you keep rotating the cube the diagonal axis could be time and space relative (space/time) if gravity is a constant (what we are most familiar with). Or if you saw time as the constant, gravity and space would be relative (space/gravity). Or if space were the constant (imaging a universe NOT expanding), then gravity and time would be relative (gravity/time). Too hard for me to think about, just make everything probability spheres was the idea, each with their own charts, graphs, and constants.

            In thinking about a hyperspheric universe and incomprehensible or nonsensical ways of being able to measure time or space, I simplified it to the idea of a hypersphere (the real universe we cannot comprehend) passing “through” a seemingly 3D universe which we can comprehend, each moment a “floor” of the department store or hotel. But since it would be awhile yet that I could actually comprehend what a hypersphere would look like (I was helped a week later by having Inventor trying to describe his cube). And since I could not really use or comprehend that analogy of what a hyperspheric universe would look like, what a 4D universe moving through a 3D universe or 3D region of space would look like, instead I used the example of a 3D “ball of a universe,” of potential locations, passing through a 2D plane of existence. The origin point would be analogous to the beginning of the big bang, and the same point later, the big crunch. Or least it would APPEAR that way from within it, though really it would just appear that way, the whole “scr*wing girlfriend in wife’s bed, scr*wing wife in girlfriend’s bed,” distortion from each potential here to each potential there.

            So by an example I was going to use a ball representing the real universe, much more multidimensional than we can perceive “pass through” a 2D world or 2D plane which we can perceive or understand. And I would try to use that to show how time would seem distorted or related to probability point locations between its beginning and its end, though really it would just appear that way. I would use coming into or onto a 2D plane from above it in a spot. The potential of where you can be seeming to expand over time, and then as the ball of potential passed through it, having the universe of where you can be or what you can be seem to shrink back again, smaller and smaller back to a single point. Having been in enough airports having to change planes with long layovers, or waiting to leave again later in the same plane, the example I would use was obvious enough.

            A problem with the example is that it actually describes a cone of potential expanding and then a different cone shrinking rather than a “ball” of potential. The part at the end not written since I did not know exactly how to write it, was to image space itself moving, going to the center would be like crossing a phonograph record or Compact disk spinning, making a curved S shape, like the Ying and Yang circle. So that after passing through the center, if you timed it right, going back out you would actually be retracing your same path back to the edge in a inverse or mirrored path to the one you took from the edge to the center.

            As mentioned, all of these factors contributed to the story and are present in it in some form. Also I got to vent on all of the rude airport supervisors (ok, not many of them) I have ever had to deal with. Reducing the big bang to an airport layover in a heavily regimented “Universe” (with cruel rules) called “The City.”
Life is an equation you are born knowing yet require time to live through to fully understand it, come to remember it, and complete the circle, knowing it the same so you can come back to where you started and came in. With the beginning and end points fixed (relationally, not in time) it still leaves plenty of room to maneuver in the big ball in-between. Though a fixed time analogy is not technically accurate as your expiration date is not fixed but fluid, it can be likened to the beginning and end of the Universe and the spherical potential increasing over time only to contract as in size as it nears its end, or the potential for where you can be or for what you can do for the time you must wait in changing planes or buses, having to be at a specific place and time when you arrive and leave. The potential is greatest to be anywhere else half way between arrival and departure, increasing widely from the moment you enter the terminal door and decreasing just as sharply the radius (of where else you can be as it becomes) near the time you have to leave, a sphere (in this case, a circle) of potential places you can exist in-between.

[ (Added December 15th, 2004:) "Universe Inc.'s Paradoxes and Probability Waves" was written immediately after and because of this, coming 2 days before the other story on  the 27th, and it is what "Time Probability spheres" was referring to. Like  "2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D Thinking Made Simple,” which began shortly after, "Universe Inc's Paradoxes and Probability Waves" just kind of took over and I was writing it to read it, with pretty much absolutely no idea why or where it was going, completely clueless, just to have  something to hold to sort it all out. Even a year and an Omoglatron later, I still don't know ultimately where 2D-5D will end up except it will explain curved 4D space into a 5th with cartoon-like simplicity.]

Universe Inc.’s Paradoxes and Probability Waves

         You are on a plane and you land in a city. While you change planes or they service it, you must enter the airport. You walk into the airport through the door at 1 PM. You are told the plane or the next plane will board at exactly 5 PM, giving you exactly 4 hours to kill, but you really really really need to be walking through that door again at exactly 5 PM or you will mess up their schedules and they will retaliate against you.

         "How important can it be that I come back to this door at exactly 5 PM anyway?" you ask the person in charge at the airport.

         "Let’s put it this way," says the supervisor, "we would not have let you enter the airport and be giving you 4 hours to spend as you wish if we thought you would not be coming back at exactly 5 PM. If you don’t come back at exactly 5 PM, you signed a contract saying we could take away those 4 hours we gave you and, being a big corporation, Universe Inc., we will hold you to that contract."

         "How can you take away the 4 hours after they have already occurred?" you ask. "If I decide not to come back, how can you find me and how could they take them away anyway, they are mine!"

         "You really don’t want to mess with Universe Inc.. We are such a big corporation, we can do anything we want to. Wherever you go, we will track you down. Whatever you have that we want, we will find a way to take it away if we have to. We have a schedule that says you will walk through this door at 1 PM and leave through it at 5 PM. Mess with this and we will mess with you," you are told. "To make it simple enough for you to understand, it has already occurred. Since you did leave at exactly 5 PM, you are able to waste many minutes of your precious 4 hours arguing with me about the rules. If you had not already will have done so, you would not have had the time in the first place to have been wasting it arguing with me!"

         "You are telling me that if I don’t leave through that door at exactly 5 PM, I never came in through it?"

         "Yes, I think you are finally beginning to see the light."

         "Can’t there be two different realities, one where Universe Inc. does not know yet that I will not return again by 5 PM, so even if they could take away the four hours which I know I seem to be wasting arguing with you, they have not done so yet so we are in a reality outside of their fascist "schedules." One where people can do whatever they want to do and go wherever they want to go with no preset restrictions?" you ask.

         "Universe Inc. does not like having their schedules made fun of. Since we brought you into this city, we have a right to expect you to adhere to the rules of when and how you must leave again. "Can’t I have 2 different realities, one where I come back, and one where I am not erased yet for not coming back?" Why should you be so special? Why can’t we all have our own realities outside of Universe Inc. scheduled ones? And who would organize and keep track of all those other realities, you I suppose? We have countless real to everyone else, or overlapping, realities of billions times billions to the billionth power of beings like you to keep track of and organize their time and provide a structure for, all at once. Unless you want to play God and give them all their own new realities where things can happen which don’t have to match or overlap anyone else’s realities, and keep track of it all in a way that makes sense, go ahead. If you want to not believe me and try to create one of these realities you think might exist until Universe Inc. finds about it and takes it away, or behind our back, go ahead and try."

         "It’s just I really can’t stand schedules," you reply.

         "Don’t we all."

         "So you are saying if I want to live in Universe Inc.’s plan of the way things happen, I must walk through this door at exactly 5 PM? If not, then I am creating or living in a reality that technically does not or will not exist?"

         "If you have not figured it out yet," the supervisor intones sarcastically, "you are in a story. You don’t really exist anyway. Both you and the 5 PM are merely metaphors to illustrate a point to others. 5 PM does not really exist in time. It is not like everyone has a prescribed or fated time of death or expiration date. If means you must figuratively return on schedule to where you began or you never did begin. Time does not really exist."

         "I *HATE* being called a metaphor more than I hate schedules! If time does not really exist, then how or why do I have to be back here at 5 PM!"

         The supervisor rolls his eyes. "Not another one!" he thinks to himself.

         "I am sorry that you misunderstood what I said," he says. "I only mean that in the same sense that you are in a story to illustrate a point, the idea that you have to walk through a set door at a set point in time is also simply to illustrate a point. In this sense, you, me, and even this city and airport are all allegorical, and if you keep wasting time like this, we will not even have that minimal level of existence. If others don’t get it by now, going on with this discussion any longer is pointless. Let them reread what came before and try to figure it out. You may not mind wasting your four hours, and I may only exist in a sense to have this argument with you, and to get a letter later, but being a supervisor and having to talk to you, I believe I already have shown far too much patience in explaining this to you. As much as I would like to not vanish from existence and stay and discuss this with you longer, it would be out of character."

         "Ok then, can I ask you one last thing before you cease to exist as a character in this story? As a minor supervisor in the all powerful Universe Inc. corporation, can you see fit to refund me these minutes I know I seem to have wasted. It would make the math simpler as well as help me out," you ask.

         "As a supervisor, I would of course like nothing better than to laugh at your request. However since big corporations have already been portrayed as possibly being insensitive up until now in this story, and the math would indeed be simpler, the powers that be have decided that Universe Inc.’s highest policy is that "A happy customer is a satisfied customer." It is a puzzling policy which of course doesn’t make any sense, but we just made it up. In other words, we aim to please. We gladly refund you your minutes you have wasted, but to those who might have been reading this, we can only apologize that we cannot do the same."

         "What an attitude!" you think before you are magically rewinded to exactly 1 PM but with memory of all that happened since 1 PM so we don’t end up endless repeating it again and again.

         You walk through the door into the airport at exactly 1 PM with the full knowledge that you really really have to walk through it again in the opposite direction at 5 PM. Since you can walk through it now with no effect since it is not 5 PM, we can make circles in all directions. The doorway is the point in which you entered this plane of space we call "the city.” Your top speed sustainable which you can move at for 4 hours at a time is 10 mph. That is not very fast but it is a round number and 4 hours is a long time to be moving constantly. You can of course sprint much faster but then you must inversely slow down or stop altogether to catch your breath, and conveniently in exact time and speed proportions to the 10 mph average ratio.

         There are no motorized vehicles to carry you in this city, nor faster animals equipped to carry passengers. This means that the maximum distance you can go away from the doorway is roughly 20 miles in any direction and still have time to return in time to leave/come in. At 1 PM and one second, the circle where you can be is very very small. At 4:59:59, the circle of where you can be is equally very very small. From 1 PM to 3 PM, that circle grows at an extreme rate in every direction away from the door up to 20 miles. That 20 mile circle’s edge is not where you have to be at 3 PM, only a ring of where you would be if you wanted to get as far away from the door as possible before having to go back, or deciding at the last possible moment not to risk non-existence and then return.

         That 20 mile limit and 3 PM have special significance for you. They mark the maximum limits of the city which you can be in, at, or see. They are literally for you, the outer edge of what sailors saw as the point of no return, halfway to the edge of the world. Go more than halfway and you won’t have enough food and supplies to get back. You would have no chance of turning back. The 20 mile marker in all directions is your point of no return. Up until then, you can safely turn back. The only time given your 10 mph limit you can be 20 miles away is at exactly 3 PM. The total area outside of the city available to you to experience is a circle 40 miles across with a door in the center 20 miles from each edge point.

         Though you hate the idea of having to keep to a schedule, this means you can see anything or be anywhere you want anywhere within this 40 mile circle, but with a lot of catches. If you want to see things in lots of different places, you would need to stay close to the airport. If you wanted to see anything at the farthest point possible 20 miles away in any direction, you would need to literally walk as fast as you can at your top sustainable rate non-stop directly to it, and immediately turn around without stopping and walk just as fast back also non-stop. That is the most possible work for the least amount of time to enjoy seeing it. It would have to be something really fantastic to bother spending all that time and energy, the most you could in fact, to go there, especially if you could not stop and enjoy it.

         But still, though you almost never would want to spend all your time and energy going to the outer limits of the potential of your experience of the city, if someone saw you there, anywhere around the edge of that 40 mile circle, if they knew the rigid schedule you were on, they would know it must be 3 o’clock, plus they would know exactly where you were at each and every moment since 1 PM, and where you will be each and every moment until 5 PM.

         They would be a great alibi for you if accused of a crime anywhere outside of where anyone would know you must have been and when you had to have been there. This assumes your speed is constant which it is not, so technically they only know the route you must have taken and the route you must take the same way back. I only stated that your average sustainable speed is equal to 10 mph and that you can speed up and slow down or rest inversely to the increases or decreases in speed.

         If your speed was constant, they would know precisely where you were at each moment as well. Also since the 10 mph limit is the maximum speed is how fast you can go sustainably over a 4 hour timeframe, since you can gain in speed inverse to the amount of time you rest, you could run faster to the edge near the 20 mile 3 PM limit, get there a little earlier and count the time resting toward seeing it and even also stay a little after 3 PM using those added seconds of rest if you are willing to increase your speed proportionally going back. In that case, you would have no choice, but the additional moments of "rest" sightseeing would make that increase possible.

         Now where can I find you? Obviously my chances of running into you are highest around the door you entered around 1 PM and 5 PM. Though if you were resting or wasting time somewhere, you might be running as fast as you can to get back to the door at 5 PM, it is more likely that you will be within the 10 mph circle of the time until 5 PM. This is assuming you are smart enough not to cut it that close using every possible second of rest time far away from the door. That is possible but the 10 mph circles proportional to the time away from the door from 1 PM, and approaching it closer to 5 PM are the best guesses of where to find you.

         Also, anywhere along the edge of that 40 mile circle is where I would be least likely to find you. It would be the greatest or fullest range of places farthest from the door you could possibly be and have the least possible ways or routes to have traveled to get there, and also the fewest possible times to find you there. Bumping into you randomly is least technically possible 20 miles in any direction from the door.

         Oppositely, the closer I am to the door, no matter when, the more likely I am to run into you. You don’t "have to" be anywhere at the 20 mile extreme edge of your potential to go to at the furthest point away, and you could only be there once. Immediately back from that edge point, you can (and have to) be in that spot twice though that one furthest spot and that second furthest spot are also the largest possible places in a circle away from the door. Any one of those points is the closest I get to definitely not seeing you and still be in the circle of your "potential to be" places and times in the city. If it were a number of probability, the outer edge of the 40 mile circle would be the closest to zero without reaching zero.

         That edge point is an interesting place to be. If I wanted to avoid you but be where I could potentially have run into you, all I would need to do is step inside that 40 mile circle at 3 PM. There I would have the closest chance to zero of actually meeting you, and could phone you and say "Sorry I missed you, I looked where I thought I could find you but I did not see you," and I would not be lying even though it is literally on the absolute fringe of possible times and places you could have been. The further into that circle I am at 3 o’clock, the greater the likelihood is of running into you. If I stood exactly at the door you entered and leave through exactly at 3 PM, that spot has the highest likelihood I might run into you even at 3 PM. At 1 PM and 5 PM, seeing you there would be a certainty.

         There are numerous ways to figure the gate at 3 PM as being the most likely place to run into you at that time even when your chances of being anywhere else are its very highest. One is that it is the only place you really "have" to be. You could get all paranoid about possibly not making it back in time, and with your very existence at issue via Universe Inc.’s warning, one could hardly blame you or call you paranoid for not wanting to risk being late. Around that door, I am most likely to see not only you, but others from your same "flight" milling about the place. Some playing it as cautious as possible, like I said, not wanting to let that door out of their sight even to go to the bathroom.

         Beyond those few are the "millers about.” They will go off, have coffee, go for walks, but keep coming back periodically to the door and checking their watches. Then there are the "short trippers.” They might make one or more short trips further away from the door, testing the waters so to speak that they can actually go somewhere and come back safely and time themselves. If they figured it right, they might make one or two more short trips away from the door. Then there are the "long trippers,” the "multiple stop trippers,” and many others in-between all the way up to the "long distance trekkers" who will use up all their time and incur the greatest risk or have the most confidence to venture to the very limits of the abyss of non-existence of going somewhere, anywhere, along the edge of that forty mile circle so they can brag about it all the way home and annoy the hell out of you.

         "Did I tell you about the time I went to the very furthest reaches of the city where no one almost ever goes? Yes, I stared the other side of that circle of my potential right in the face for 3 whole minutes AFTER 3 o’clock before having to run all the way back. One second later and I would have had to stop to rest 6 feet away from the door at 4:59:59! Man, that is really living on the edge I tell you." They love to tell that story to whoever has no choice but to listen.

         So though I don’t know if you are a waiter by the door, a miller about, a short tripper, long tripper, or whatever, to enter your circle of potentiality or potential places to be and times you can be there, that door is still the most likely place you can be found even at the time your potential to be anywhere else is at its apex, 3 o’clock. Simply put, it is still the place you can be and come back to the most often and stay the longest, in addition to being the only place you ever absolutely have to be.

         Now say I don’t want to avoid you but actually like you and want to see you while you are in the city. Problem is I live 20 miles away and can only leave at 1 PM and must be home by 5 PM. This means I can get to where you are most likely will be even at 3 PM, though I can only get there for a short time around 3 PM, just like you can only get to my house around 3 PM but would have to turn right back again. If we planned it or had cell phones, or if telephones even existed in the city (they do not), we could contact each other and arrange to meet half way and therefore have the most time to visit without having to spend it all gasping for breath and saving up energy for the run back. (My deadline is unfortunately as terminal as yours.)

         The best I can do is leave at 1 PM traveling through parts of the city I know I have a zero percent chance of seeing you in because, though within your 3 o’clock circle of potential (barely) they are far, far, miles beyond your 1 o’clock circles which are still only a few feet across. Since my speeds and speed limits are comparable to yours, even were I to try to get to the point to where and when I would conceivably be most likely to run into you, 3 PM at the door where you came in, my circle of where I can be and yours will not overlap until 2 PM, and even then have infinitesimal odds statistically speaking of randomly occurring. Though not beyond randomly occurring if either or both of us was looking for the other, that each would be heading towards the other beginning at 1 PM at full speed towards the other, if this was not a factor, it would not be likely to occur. Obviously, if it were arranged, this would be actually the most probable and logical route easiest for both for having the most time, to meet halfway at 2 o’clock.

         To remove this mathematical variation, I will give you amnesia, or simply have you forget I lived in the city and knew you would be coming. So I know you are going to be somewhere around the door between 1 PM and 5 PM, trying to meet up with you, but you don’t know that. You don’t know that I am around the city, or which direction to find me if you did. That is not a factor for you. You can still be equally a waiter by the door, a miller about, a short tripper, long tripper, etc., all equally, as that never enters into your thoughts about how to kill 4 hours.

         At exactly 2 PM, the chance that we will run into each other becomes non-zero for the first time, but just barely. It requires the most extreme set of possible circumstances as finding you at the edge at 3 o’clock. It requires that you were heading exactly toward my path toward you at full speed (average speed, but let’s make ourselves practical people not in an unsustainable rush running about needlessly). Though your 2 o’clock circle is not as big as your 3 o’clock circle, the potential for seeing you will increase far faster now that it is over zero. It can’t be above zero until 2 o’clock. Conveniently, if neither of us is behind schedule, that same point 10 miles in a straight line from my home to your airport door is the last place our 2 potentials to meet up is possible, at exactly 4 PM.

         The 10 mile halfway mark between my house and your airport door is the only place we can occupy the same place at the same time at 2 PM and 4 PM. Similarly, this event or meeting can only take place between 2 PM and 4 PM, though the location of the meeting can grow in both directions away from this point the closer the time is to 3 PM, creating a new circle of potential 20 miles across extending to your door in the airport to my house, starting at 2 PM, widest at 3 PM, and closing again halfway between at 4 PM.

         Thus a new circle with new times and distances is established. It is no longer a 40 mile circle across of where you alone can exist or might be found between 1 PM and 5 PM. This new circle is a circle of simultaneity or where both events or potentials overlap. The potential for you to bump into or say hello to me, and my potential to meet you again, creates the potential of a new event, not of where a person might be. This event involves or requires 2 things to happen at once or together, me to be at the same place and time as you, and you to be at the same place and time as me.

         Now let’s change it up a bit. Now instead of trying to see you, I don’t want to see you again. Problem for me is I have to be at that door to deliver a message to the Universe Inc. manager you talked to in another timeline. It was mailed to me by mistake. I could have given it to him yesterday but I forgot to. Universe Inc.’s timetables say he reads that message at that door shortly after 3 PM. Similar guidelines require me to only have that 1 PM to 5 PM window to be gone away from my home or else I will not have existed. And if you think where you live is dangerous, try living in my city. Mess up and you don’t get to die even, you just never get born!

         So I really have to get this letter to the door you came in through at 1 PM and will leave through again at 5 PM, and now I don’t like you again and am really hoping not to run into you again. Luckily for me I don’t have to, and really can’t, be there until 3 PM. That is the exact time your potential to be anywhere else is at the highest, that is the good news for me. The bad news for me is that though the TIME is best for me to have to be there between 1 PM and 5 PM and not run into you, the PLACE itself is the worst possible place to be in regards to your possible location. Even at 3 PM when your potential to be anywhere else is at its highest, even then it is still the epicenter of where you could be and therefore, even at exactly 3 PM, where you are most likely to be.

         I know I don’t have to worry about running into you until at least 2 PM. While briskly walking at my top sustainable speed of 10 mph, I have time to think of where and when I most likely would run into you. Though the place of the door seems dangerous, it too requires an exact time to happen, 3 PM, my turn around time.

         Now let’s consider another variation. Instead of having to go directly back home in the same direction by 5 PM, I need to go to the opposite side of the city in line with the airport door by 5 PM. Under the conditions set so far, with your speed being variable from 0 to 10 mph in any direction, I am more likely to run into you if I continue forward in line from the airport door from my house than if I was able to turn and go back the way I came. However under a set of conditions not mentioned so far concerning your possible speeds and directions, my chances of running into you would be 100% greater moving away from the center in the opposite direction, and 0% greater moving back in the same direction. Under another set of conditions, it is reversed, 0% greater chance going in the opposite direction, and with a minor modification concerning how big a circle I could perceive you or you perceive me, a 100% greater chance of running into you going backwards in the same direction. With events, both time and space can move. From a not so radical perspective, they can even seem to change places with each other completely. What are the 2 sets of conditions?